Sunday, December 11, 2016

How Much Furniture Can You Squash in an 8X8 Room?

When it's child sized, surprisingly a lot!  Sofia's room is so small it's ridiculous.  But the area underneath her loft has to serve as her closet as well as her play area so we had to figure out how to make it work.  We needed to fit a clothes rod, shelving, a seating area, a desk and toy storage.  Here's what I shoved in there:

I put a small arm chair that I bought Sofi Sue several years ago for $5 at a garage sale.  I don't like the print and if I'm feeling brave one day I'll try my hand at reupholstering it.  That and the small chair at the table cover seating.  The table will be a great place for Sofia to do art and maybe even homework.  The wire basket that I wrapped in yarn will be used for toy and stuffed animal storage.

On the other side of the under-loft area I have her clothes rod (more on that later) and a shelving unit.  I actually bought two of these at Aldi (they carry the strangest assortment of random products).  I had planned to put both in the room now but realized that it was getting pretty cramped.  So I'm saving the second set of shelves for when Sofia gets too big for the table.  We'll move that out and move the extra shelves in.  We're getting really close to being done!


  1. thanks mom, i can always count on you for a nice comment!

  2. On the British interior design show I recommended to you the contestants were always painting furniture. Maybe you could bravely try that on the chair.

    1. ha! i remember seeing them do that. i don't know how brave i am, but that's something i didn't consider before. maybe i'll look into it!
